Thursday, February 9, 2012

Never Underestimate the Power of One

One salesman and Sunday school teacher, Edward Kimball, led a young man named Dwight to Christ.  Dwight Moody became a blazing evangelist who it is said, led one million souls to Christ in his short lifetime.  Wilbur Chapman received the assurance of his salvation after talking with Moody and went on to become a noted evangelist himself. 

The drunken baseball player Billy Sunday was an assistant to Chapman before becoming the most famous evangelist of his day.  One of the fruits of Sunday's ministry was the forming of a group of Christian businessmen in Charlotte, North Carolina.  This group brought the evangelist Mordecai Ham to Charlotte in 1934.  A tall awkward youth named Billy Graham was converted during those meetings. 

According to his staff, as of 1993, more than 2.5 million people had "stepped forward at his crusades to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior."  Millions of souls trace their spiritual lineage back to the influence of one man, a simple Sunday school teacher, Edward Kimball

Someone said, "To the world you may just be one person, but to one person you may be the world." Never underestimate the power of one multiplied.  You can make a difference in your family, community, city, state, . . . the world.  Decide today to become a "change agent" of great influence for Christ.  Someone's life depends on it!

~Evangelism Is ... How to Share Jesus with Passion and Confidence
Dave Earley and David Wheeler